Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Let's Get Political

Okey dokey, I wanna get a little political here, and discuss the upcoming murder of Australian drug mule Nguyen Van Tuong, who our government has forsaken, and who, as far as I know has never modeled in his undies, (onya, Michelle), and never plucked his eyebrows (a la Schapelle).

On the weekend it was announced that Singapore's hangman was fired for revealing his identity in the Australian press.

In a story that would warm the cockles of any cold soul "An Australian sheetmetal worker on Monday reportedly offered his services to Singapore to replace Singh as hangman."

My god.
I am speechless. I am without speech.
This country is peopled with the most generous and giving individuals. I bet he would have payed his own airfare too. Just give, give, give.

UPDATE: PM to attend cricket despite Nguyen execution.
"The idea of not attending the game or of abandoning it, I don't think it's something that the majority of Australian people would necessarily believe I should do."

Speak for me good sir, speak for me.


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