Thursday, May 25, 2006

Six For Sisqo

Thanks for the overwhelming response regarding Six For Stuart. I believe I received ONE email saying it was a bodacious idea, and that was from Stuart!

I also received 3 (count 'em, 3), messages asking me if I was in love with Stuart, and why didn't I marry him if I love him so much.

Well sorry Mum, but he is a gaylord and also a father and also he is a poof, so that's not gonna happen.

Now I happen to like the idea of unloading six crap links a day, but I can see Stuarts head from here already....

Hence, todays instalment is called Six for Sisquo, 'cause he sang the Thong Song and that song taught me everything I'll ever need to know about true romance.

1. The Thong Song Lyrics.
This sing is so beautiful. I'm surprised people don't use these lyrics as wedding vows. They shit all over Kahlil Gibran!

2. Play Along Sisqo Doll.
Recommended age, 3-14, available in red leather, white leather or yellow leather. This is an appropriate gift for your next Bat/bar Mitvah.

3. Socks And Sandals.

Dob in your dad! I did.

4. Don't Date Him Girl.
It's not enough to cut off his penis. These days that could turn him into a holy porn star. So what to do if you are a woman scorned? Get on the internet and tell the world what a dud root he was. It's actually worth sifting through some of the crap testimonials in search of gems such as;

"not only is he selfish, broke, and ---but also DEEPLY insecure. I was involved with him for a year or so, and never saw his legs...". I think that's a good reason to break up with someone!

5. Princess Leia Fans In Costume.
This is awesome, and I'm sure some of my idiot nerd friends will find this highly sexy. Where's the Jabba Da Hut sight for chubby chasers like myself?

6. Me Singing Sisqo
Not ME but me as in him as in some dude. It's funny, it's heartfelt, but it ain't the thong song.


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