Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Meat Baby

OK the story goes thusly....
Stuart sent me a HORRIBLE video of a man masterbating and then running up to a woman and ejaculating on her.

I was APPALLED and told him so and now he's just sent me an email calling me a 'poof'.

As you can see, I know some very lovely people.
Fuck you Sturat, you're a 'poof' and you smell funny and your facial hair is weird and you smoke and I quit so there!

Anyway, that's not the good bit.
I thought it best to send him a link to google images of cute baby animals to wipe away the nastiness.
I didn't really look at it or nuthin.

THEN I was perusing the pics and noticed something awesomely awry. The 11th image was entitled 'meat baby' and looked suspiciously like a woman holding a pile of meat.

HAHA. And that is the true story of how I disovered Meatsicle.com and the fabulous Meat Baby.


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