Monday, June 26, 2006

RIP Aaron Spelling

Aaron Spelling is rocking with the angels after succumbing to a rarely heard of affliction the experts are refferring to as 'death'.

Not only was aaron the great mind behind hits such as 90210 and Dynsaty, he produced The Boy In The Plastic Bubble, where, inspired by his recent acquisition of a Tori, he inserted the line "My Tori's not a freak!" 'Son' was later substituted for 'Tori' in an effort to ensure continuity and plot progression, but it was still a great moment in celluloid history.

Thanx for providing 50% of Tori Spellings DNA, sir. It was great that she went to school with Monica Lewinsky, and my favourite part in Mons book was when she recounted being the only girl in the whole school not invited to Toris pool party.
That was you, Daddy, ensuring that Tori was not only blessed with natural good looks, but the inate self esteem required to lord it over a fat little jewish kid who would one day suck the presidents doodle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay, aaron spelling is dead. nice obituary, very funny. I love it.

6:52 PM  

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