Friday, March 30, 2007

Love You Long Time

The man formerly known as Poof Father, P. Diddy, has announced that he can have sex for 30 hours straight.
Poof is sooooooo unattractive. He is a definite mouth breather. You know those gross kids you went to school with who breathed noisily through their mouths, forsaking the usual nasal route?! Thats him!
He probably also drools.

Anyway, besides that, who wants to have sex with anyone for 30 hours? Even Johnny Depp!

I would get tired and want to get chips and gravy, cause after about 7 hours I would have a hangover because I only put out when I'm really really really drunk. We would probably also be covered in vomit because when I say really really really drunk I mean really really really ridiculously really drunk.

Mr Depp, if you're reading this, give me a call. You're probably hot for my drunk arse now!

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