Monday, January 09, 2006

The Player

I love finding gems at op shops and garage sales, but these people hit the jackpot when they came across The Framed Player Collection at a swap meet.

I once bought an ugly photo album because it had a picture inside of a dog that looked nearly identical to mine. It was the only pic inside and I saw it as some sort of omen...what sort of omen, I ain't sure. Oddly enough, the next day a small child named Damien rode his tricylce around my house making eerie noises on the linoleum.


My fabulous friend Katie found a stack of albums on rubbish night. Inside was the most amazing collection of fan photos. Some dude with Kate Cebrano, some dude with Transvision Vamp(!), some dude with my favourite band of all time, Bros!!!!!!

She actually made a bit of cash off one album which was full of Michael Hutchence photos.
Maybe that dog in the photo I own will do a Taco Bell ad, become famous, and then auto-asphyxiate himself. I will be RICH RICH RICH.

So anyway, go and look at the Player collection. It is rawther impressive.


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