Friday, February 03, 2006

Big Day Out

Who's that pretty lady? Well that would be me with my buddy Aaron, at Sydneys Big Day Out. I believe that the people behind are politely trying not to stare at our beauty, and are not really distracted by the FANTASTIC Sleater Kinney.

Other good bits were Soulwax, MIA and The Stooges, natch.
I aslo liked the Tooheys Dry tent, which came complete with bubbles and beer trees.

Bad bits were vomiting, wearing ridiculous boots on my still tender ankle, disgusting men folk draped in the Aussie flag, the number of hot girls in Sydney and taking up smoking again.

I also worked my way into the show by handing out programs for 4 hours. That was sweet, except for the Durex Condoms T shirt I had to wear. I got called a porn star, a stripper, a ho and Jordan. All very delightful, As was being asked for condoms by every second punter.
Tell ya what, those guys were dreaming! Ugly, ugly men as far as the eye could see, coupled with swarms of semi naked HOT CHICKS!

Sydney is on the road to lesbos at this rate.

The best bit BY FAR was my little brother Paul bribing security to get us into the photographers pit during The Stooges.

Alas, the same brother dropped me on my head during The White Stripes.

I did sustain less injuries, however, than my oft mentioned bosom buddy, who managed to pick up in casualty, whilst tending to a twisted ankle.
I love my friends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wizzy, don't you just look drop dead gorgeous... you are the blonde right?

7:06 PM  

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