Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Salamander Man

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch police have arrested a thief they dubbed the "salamander man" who talked his way into the homes of dozens of unsuspecting people by saying he was looking for his lost salamander, hamster or iguana.

Police said on Monday they had been hunting the 33-year-old homeless man for months and that he had admitted to about 60 thefts in towns across the country.

Once inside a house, the man stole wallets and loose cash. Police arrested him on Friday after a tip off and found nine empty wallets in his car, which had been stolen the day before.

OK, I know the pic is an axolotyl, but it's much cuter than a salamander so shuddupaya face.

I used to own axolotyls, but found the death rate a bit too disturbing. The one pictured looks alot like a little lady that lived with me called Ginger Pubes. The other critters were named Pugsley, Wednesday (those two were black), La Toya (she was black too) and William (he looked like an accountant).

Who took my salamander? Who found my Salamander? Ps. I will find my Salamander.


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