Monday, July 03, 2006

Demi-Dozen For Denis

My wonderful friend Denis popped up for a spot of karaoke on the weekend, and made me cry.
He told me he had never been so hurt as when he read me describe Ben as my "favourite Canberrian funny guy", on this here blog.

I had, of course, forgotten that Denis existed, despite our 12 year history.

I'm like that.

To cheer us both up, todays link dump is entitled Demi-Dozen For Denis.

I hope you are practising your whittling, and enjoy the following, mr. It's all for you!

The Cleaning Hunk..

This is how I imagine cleaning would get done in sexy Canberra.

Classic Internet, Richard Sandrak....

Umm, yeah....HAWT!

Japanese Ballerina Fetish

Ain't it just adorable?!

Pink Car Kit.

What Den will be buying me for my birthday!
Who's The Scientist?

Did you know Denis is a scientist? Yes! He is an Evolutionary Biologist! Wow!!!!
Here are pics kids drew of scientists before and after they met them.

Rap Lyrics Translated...

Denis likes words. Here are some words.

The ultimate decision rests with you. Whom do you choose as your sexual partner. I can take you on cruises around the world. I will dress you in the finest jewelry and footwear. You will be envied by women worldwide in your fine clothes and jewelry. There is a special place in my heart for beautiful women. I will defeat your man in an altercation because he is effeminate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

geez, who do you have to fuck to get a whole "joy of you" section on your blog!!??

12:30 PM  

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