Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Colin Has Dud Sex With Nanny

What is it with nanny's????

I babysit, and the only action I get is when I find hotdogs in the fridge crisper!

So the latest nanny rooter is Colin Farrell, who boffed Woody Allens (?) personal childcare assistant.

Let's just say she wasn't overly impressed;

Angelique 24 - who looked after movie legend Woody's children for two years - said: "He has a great body and a charm that any woman would kill for. But he's all talk. Between the sheets, he is a let-down with only half a baguette in his lunchbox, if you know what I mean. He comes across as a tiger on screen, but behind closed doors he's as wild as Mickey Mouse. [...]

"He kept saying 'C'est bon (it's good), you're beautiful, c'est bon'. He sounded like James Blunt.

"We made love three times but the actual sex only lasted 10 minutes in total."

That James Blunt call is awesome!
I've had some dodgy encounters in my time, but 3 times totalling 10 MINUTES!
That's a shocker!

But you know what?
I'd still hit it.

Get back on the booze, Colin, stat!
Then we can talk.


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