Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ewans Cock Still Big

Ewan Mcgregors Penis has its own website. Does your penis? I didn't think so.

That's because Ewan has one of the most celebrated penises (or penii) in the whole world and you don't.

So imagine Ewans dismay when he discovered a report announcing that he had purchased a shit load of WonderJocks from AussieBum.

The Wonderjock is specifically designed to enhance ones package.
His dick must have blushed from her to man-ternity.

An apology was issued by the AussieBumsters which included this ego stroke (or penis stroke);

"He's a fan of the brand generally and has bought several different items from the range, but certainly not the Wonderjock. Given his reputation, we doubt very much there would be a need for this."

I've seen the Pillowbook. Shiyat, what a boring movie, except for when Ewans pee pee comes out. Then I sat up and took notice!

Look how long his kilt has to be to hide that monster of a cock....what a dirty bird.


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