My Rant On Bints and Tits
OK, lets move on from the toothless past and head into a bright veneered future.
Howz Kimberly Stewarts tits strike ya?
Go here for more funbag action...
I think I like her boozies. I mean they're obviously TINY, but not a bad little tit job.
Remember she was the one who gave jack Osbourne her implants.
"I gave Jack my implants and signed them," said slutguts. "He framed them and put them on his wall which is where they are today."
A thouroughly unattractive bint, but boobs are boobs. And chucking a leggy is chucking a leggy.
All this leads me to Nicole Richie and her fabulous tome, The Truth About Diamonds.
What a read!
It was tip top fun working out who all the thinly veiled characters were. The pictured whore was featured, as was Kelly Osbourne....and boy, what a description!
"Ana Cannon, the pudgey Peurto Rican princess with her own Telemundo reality show had just walked in. Ana had a way of enetering a room with all the subtlety of a sexual assualt."
That, good people, is fantastic writing.
Now Nicole Richie, author extrodinaire has stepped into the debate regarding the latest literary fraudster, Kaavya Viswanathan.
Let's see what Ms Richie has to say about the sin of plagiarism;
"What Ms. Viswanathan did is worse than showing up at a club wearing a dress that you went out and bought because you had seen someone else in the same dress at the same club the night before. There's no excuse for it."
This gets even better, with Nicole admitting she hasn't read the book, and fuck you fucking written word loving fuckers, she has not really read any books. And, may I add, she has a very good reason, you pious "oooh I'm so special 'cause I read" reading type people;
It's because she"always thought people who wrote books were supersmart, so I figured you had to be supersmart to read books, too; but now that I've written one, I know better."
This is similar to Poshes stance. These women are amazing! I would love to write a book, but find it a difficult and daunting task. I also, God forgive me, read books. This is obviously where I went wrong.
I wish I never went to school. I wish I never picked up that first Digger book. I wish my dad was Lionel Richie (sorry Real Dad, but you have to admit that would be pretty kewel), and I wish I was married to a man made out of caramel with pretty blue marzipan eyes.
The End
By Me.
Howz Kimberly Stewarts tits strike ya?
Go here for more funbag action...
I think I like her boozies. I mean they're obviously TINY, but not a bad little tit job.
Remember she was the one who gave jack Osbourne her implants.
"I gave Jack my implants and signed them," said slutguts. "He framed them and put them on his wall which is where they are today."
A thouroughly unattractive bint, but boobs are boobs. And chucking a leggy is chucking a leggy.
All this leads me to Nicole Richie and her fabulous tome, The Truth About Diamonds.
What a read!
It was tip top fun working out who all the thinly veiled characters were. The pictured whore was featured, as was Kelly Osbourne....and boy, what a description!
"Ana Cannon, the pudgey Peurto Rican princess with her own Telemundo reality show had just walked in. Ana had a way of enetering a room with all the subtlety of a sexual assualt."
That, good people, is fantastic writing.
Now Nicole Richie, author extrodinaire has stepped into the debate regarding the latest literary fraudster, Kaavya Viswanathan.
Let's see what Ms Richie has to say about the sin of plagiarism;
"What Ms. Viswanathan did is worse than showing up at a club wearing a dress that you went out and bought because you had seen someone else in the same dress at the same club the night before. There's no excuse for it."
This gets even better, with Nicole admitting she hasn't read the book, and fuck you fucking written word loving fuckers, she has not really read any books. And, may I add, she has a very good reason, you pious "oooh I'm so special 'cause I read" reading type people;
It's because she"always thought people who wrote books were supersmart, so I figured you had to be supersmart to read books, too; but now that I've written one, I know better."
This is similar to Poshes stance. These women are amazing! I would love to write a book, but find it a difficult and daunting task. I also, God forgive me, read books. This is obviously where I went wrong.
I wish I never went to school. I wish I never picked up that first Digger book. I wish my dad was Lionel Richie (sorry Real Dad, but you have to admit that would be pretty kewel), and I wish I was married to a man made out of caramel with pretty blue marzipan eyes.
The End
By Me.
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