Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Paula Blames Dog

I've gotta say, I love me a bit of Paula Abdul action.

I love how she had to wear an arm cast cause her fake fingernail got infected.

I love how she is always off her tits, and claps like a baby seal.

I love that she did a duet with MC Skat Cat.

Now I love how she blames her broken nose on her chihuahua.

"She tripped to avoid stepping on Tulip, one of her Chihuahuas," claims her rep.

In a pigs eye Paula!
We all know you were tanked up on Hillbilly Heroin and called Keanu Reeves to invite him over to suck face and when he said no you tried to end it all, Emmaunuel Lewis style, in a dramatic breakdancing suicide attempt.

E News has thoughtfully provided a list of Homegirls recent "bizarre" accidents. My fave being;

In April 2006, she filed a police report claiming she suffered back injuries and a concussion when she was thrown into a wall at a club by a fellow partygoer.

HA. She's such a little Cabbage Patch Kid.


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