Tiny man
Anthony Callea is GAY????
But he is the maniest of mans. The mightiest of midgets. The ....mudflaps of Majorca?
Hmmmm, carried away by alliteration, but what a wonderful way to wind!
So der fred, who thought he was straight?
Not even the 90 year old Italian widow who lives next door, that's who!
He's so little and precious. He'd make a great cum rag at a Manorgy. Just pass him around like a plate of hor d'ourves, mind the toothpick!
Here are my favourite comments about this momentous news on
Perez Hiltons site;
* who is this nigga!? nobody gives a shit about this unfamous fagoot!
* Anthony is a lovely young thang who is only 5'1" - so short but don't abort -
* Why are all the runner-ups in Australian Idol Gay, Sex Addicts or Teenage Mothers?
* "Australian pop star Anthony Callea officially confirmed that he was gay on Monday."
...but not on Tuesday. He was into chicks on Tuesday.
* How cool, he seems like a really nice person. And he is so short he wont need to bend over to suck cock.
* I sucked him off in the public toilets at Town Hall Station. He is very short and has a tiny tiny cock.
Well, what can I say. We have Vic Carrusso to thank.
PS. don't bother joining the Anthony Callea fan site to read exciting reactions. Everyone loves him and ain't no one calling him a 'nigga'.